Parish Council Matters & Information
Poulshot, Devizes, Wiltshire |
Reserves Policy -
Adopted by Full Council
2023 Latest Update -
Data Management Policy - Adopted June 2018Latest Update -
Vexatious Policy Adopted July 2022Latest Update -
The Vexatious Policy is about the management of abusive, persistent and/or vexatious complainants. It sets out how Poulshot Parish Council (‘the Council’) will deal with complainants that fall within the scope of this definition. Those identified will be treated consistently, honestly and proportionately while ensuring that other service users, officers and the Council as a whole suffer no detriment. This policy applies to all areas of the Council.
General Complaints Policy - Adopted May 2014, reviewed 2021
Latest Update -
Occasionally, things go wrong and we would like the opportunity to put them right, if we can, as soon as possible. If you would like to make a comment about how the Council has, or has not, dealt with an issue, then you should follow the guidance set out below. Please see the Code of Conduct above, if you wish to make comment about a particular Councillor.
Comments or complaints about the performance of other public services may be received by this Council, and as we provide ‘advocacy’ on behalf of our community we can channel those comments to the most appropriate recipient. To ensure we receive the detail needed to judge how best to handle the matter, it should be received in writing.
Health & Safety Policy Statement -Originated by the Council on 19th May 2014
The safety of everyone is our first priority. Our Policy Statement is below, which is reviewed annually.
Village Green Events Policy
General Power of Competence
Investement Strategy
Grant and Donation Policy
Grant Application Scoring Sheet
Grant Application Form
Working Group Terms of Reference
Standing Orders
Community Fund Terms of Reference
Code of Conduct