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Autumn sun The Green 3.jpeg

The Village Green has been 'owned' by the Parish Council since September 1968, acting as custodian on behalf of the whole community.  Ownership was confirmed in a hearing by the Commons' Commissioner in November 1984.
The Parish Council routinely maintains The Green, cutting the grass as required and encourages the space to be used by everyone for leisure and recreation. 
The Green Gardens are also owned and managed by the Parish Council.
Public events are often hosted on The Green (and can also be hosted in the Green Gardens), and the Council's policy to assist in managing these is available below.

Events policy

If you would like to use the Green or the Green Gardens for any public event, please read the policy and contact the Parish Clerk for more information.

Village Green Events Permission 
This application form is to be completed to seek permission to use the green.

Village Green Consultation Document (Draft)

The enclosed document is provided as a guidance for residents around the green. Please send your questions or queries regarding work on or around the Green to the Parish Clerk.

Tree Safety Survey

The following document details the current management plan for the trees on the Green for a multi-year period and is used by  the Parish Council for its management of the Village Green



In 1831, the area now known as The Green Gardens was enclosed ‘for the benefit of the poor’ – it having been part of the village green before that date.


In 1903, it was let out as allotments at an annual rent of 3d, the income being spent on coal for the poor of the Parish (by The Poulshot Green Gardens Charity, now closed)


In the intervening years, the demand for allotments fell and the land was let to the Nixon family for grazing.


Tree planting projects began in 1977, at first around the Village Green and then in 1985 in a small plantation, on the edge of The Green.  In 2003  a further 1,200 native trees and shrubs were planted to create a 3½ acre woodland, the Green Gardens Woodland – which has become a popular place for village and private gatherings, and functions.


Big trees in hedges were a traditional feature of the rural scene in Poulshot and served as important habitats for wildlife.  It was said that coming down Caen Hill, there were so many trees that it was impossible to see the fields.  However, over the last 30 years most have been lost to Dutch Elm Disease and high winds. The Big Trees Project in 2010 involved the village community, with support of local farmers and landowners, in planting new hedge tree saplings.


A great many oak, ash, and large-leaved limes have been planted, bringing back the big trees that a generation before made towering green avenues of many lanes and byways in Poulshot.


The Green Gardens are owned and managed by Poulshot Parish Council

The following document details the woodland management plan that the Parish Council is using for its multi-year management of the Green Gardens.

Woodland Management Plan


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