Parish Council Matters & Information
Poulshot, Devizes, Wiltshire |
Your Councillors
All Councillors are volunteers from within our communities, and will have a number of draws on their availability. If you would like to write or speak to a Councillor, we suggest you first make contact with the Clerk to the Council who can advise accordingly.
Your Parish Councillors are listed here, with their email addresses:
Main PC email:
Cllr Liz Bissett (Vice-Chair) -
Cllr Claire Church -
Cllr Mike Davis (Chair) -
Cllr Tim Hues -
Cllr Nina Jeffries -
Cllr Dan Scott -
Cllr Chris Dyke -
Register of interests
Councillors are required to make a declaration of disclosable pecuniary interests, and have volunteered to disclose their non-pecuniary interests, by placing them on a Public Register that is hosted on Wiltshire Council's website.
Becoming a councillor
The Council always welcomes and encourages interest from any eligible elector who is considering becoming a Councillor. Vacancies will be advertised on this website, and on the Public Notice Boards opposite The Raven pub and outside The Village Hall. If you would like to get more involved in your community, and are considering becoming a councillor, then you can watch a video here.
To find out more about the difference that local councils and councillors make you can download some useful guides:
It Takes All Sorts
ItTakesall Sorts.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [714.3 KB]
Good Councillors Guide 2018
Eligibility to hold office
Adobe Acrobat document [464.8 KB]
Meetings and access
Poulshot Parish Council meets on the first Tuesday of each alternative month at 7.30pm in The Village Hall, Poulshot Road, Poulshot. The Annual Parish Meeting, for all electors, is held every May, in the same place.
The venue is accessible on flat ground. Public seating and copies of the meeting papers are provided. If you would like to attend and have any needs not mentioned here, please contact us and we will do all that we reasonably can to facilitate your visit. If you would like to record, film, or transmit from within the meeting, including using social media please let us know so that we can make appropriate arrangements.
Every meeting is held in public, and the agenda, along with all public notices, is posted on the Public Notice Boards and on home page and meetings and minutes tab of this website. You can find copies of the Minutes of meetings under the meetings and minutes tab of this website, or receive a copy by contacting us.
To find out about meetings of the Melksham Community Area Board, please visit their website.
Your link to Wiltshire Council
We are supported and you are represented on Wiltshire Council by Councillor Tamara Reay - see the 'Wiltshire councillor' page tab here